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Usability Testing

Observe real users completing tasks with your product to identify usability issues, pain points, and opportunities for improvement.





Team Size



usability evaluation


  • Provides direct observation of user behavior and challenges
  • Identifies specific usability issues with actionable insights
  • Can be conducted remotely or in-person with various fidelity levels
  • Combines qualitative insights with quantitative metrics
  • Builds empathy among stakeholders through direct user observation


  • × Requires careful participant recruitment for representative results
  • × Might not reveal deeper behavioral patterns or long-term usage issues
  • × Can be time-consuming to prepare, conduct, and analyze properly
  • × Lab settings may not reflect natural usage environments
  • × Observer effect may influence participant behavior

Example Use Case

Testing a new checkout flow for an e-commerce website with 8-10 representative users to identify friction points, confusion, and errors, resulting in a prioritized list of usability improvements.

Additional Use Cases

  • E-commerce checkout flow optimization
  • User registration and onboarding evaluation
  • Navigation and information architecture testing
  • Form completion and error handling assessment
  • Cross-device experience testing